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Pundit Scope and has_many through

Wouter van den Beld asked in Rails


I can use a little help to get on the right track.

I have 3 models

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :associations
  has_many :items, through: :associations

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :associations
   has_many :users, through: :associations

class Association < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :user
    belongs_to :item

Now i want to allow my users only to view and edit the item if they have a link trough associations.
so in my ItemPolicy i have the following scope

 class Scope < Scope
    def resolve
     if user.admin?
        scope.where(:company_id =>

I setup my items_controller

def index
  @items = policy_scope(Item.includes(:company).all)
  authorize @items

and this works. i only see the items where i have a association. Now i want to prevent users to edit the urllike and still be able to view item 2 if there is no association.

So i setup my show in the controller:

def show
    @item = policy_scope(Item.find(params[:id]))
    authorize @item

but now i get undefined method `where' error. why does the same thing work for index and not for show?
any ideas?

also i would like your opinion if this is the right way to go.


I think that's because on the index you want an array of records, but on show you just want a single record.

When you pass in the array into policy_scope, it's going to call the .where(company_id: X) method on it. This works when you return Item.all but when you pass in just an Item record, that does not have a where method because it's a single instance of the Item class.

In your show action, you can change it to:

def show
    @item = Item.find(params[:id])
    authorize @item

And this will load the record and Pundit will know to authorize it against the right method in the policy without hitting the Scope.

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