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Performance increase over group_by


How can I write the below operation, being handled by group_by Ruby method, in terms of DB specific query?

def list_users
    @search_by_options = [:age, :location, :department, :designation]
    @users = User.all.group_by { |user| user.public_send(params[:search_by] || :location) }

Corresponding view code is as below :-

<%= form_tag list_users_users_path, :method => 'get' do %>
  <%= select_tag "search_by", options_for_select(@search_by_options) %>
  <%= submit_tag "Submit"%>
<% end %>
<% @users.each do |grouping_key, users| %>
  <p> <%= grouping_key %> : <%="||")%></p>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "Back to Main page", root_path %>

Are you trying to implement a search or just sorting into groups? Depending on the goal, I have a few different suggestions.

Thanks for your reply!

No, I am just trying to display users names group by location/age/department etc. Currently nothing I think about for searching.

In that case, I think your approach is fine. A group by query isn't really going to help you much in SQL because you still need to sort it on the Ruby side. The SQL group by is most useful when you're gathering things like counts or doing joins, not for ordering results.

The Ruby group_by method is actually what you want here to organize your results. I would maybe rename @users to @grouped_users so that it is clear the variable is not an array of users but a grouped array.

Thanks again!

How can I refactor the view code, and extract out as much as Ruby code from that ? What is your suggestion regarding the searching as you mentioned in your earlier comment?

You could take advantage of Ransack for the search there. It has all kinds of nice things that can take care of searching and sorting. Take a look at the episode I did on it:

Two changes I would suggest, but depending on what you're trying to achieve, they might not be relevant:

  1. Your search by options aren't safe in that I can type ?search_by=destroy and it will send method call that to the user instance which could delete the records for example. That's a potential security problem so you will probably want to validate that better.
    @search_by_options = [:age, :location, :department, :designation]
    # Verify the search_by column is valid, otherwise default to location
    @search_column = @search_by_options.include?(params[:search_by]) ? params[:search_by] : :location
  1. If you don't plan on linking the user names anywhere, you could do the map inside the controller instead. That would make it a little bit more obvious in the views.
    @grouped_user_names = User.all.group_by { |user| 
      user.public_send(params[:search_by] || :location)
<% @grouped_user_names.each do |grouping_key, user_names| %>
  <p> <%= grouping_key %> : <%= user_names %></p>
<% end %>

And since the controller mapping is reasonably nasty, you could put that inside a class method on User or you could create a presenter class to handle the logic. I'd go with the class method at first until you have a handful that can be refactored into a presenter.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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