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Need help setting up development environment for an project named Noticed (Open source)


Hi all

I am trying to start contributing to the open-source world and so I am trying to setup Noticed gem locally ( I have my postgres server up. After installing the dependencies when I do rails db: create it shows me this :
Don't know how to build task 'db:create' (See the list of available tasks with rails --tasks)

Also, running rake test shows error. Can someone please help me?

I need to figure out what's up with the Rake tasks, but I've had to go cd test/dummy && rails db:schema:load to get it to load the db tasks for testing.

I'm pretty sure it's something small that's missing, but I haven't had a chance to look yet. If you figure out what's missing with the Rakefile, send me a PR! 😜

I said that and decided to look at the Pay gem and think I figured it out.

The Rakefile in that gem loads the Rakefile from the dummy app. That makes total sense.

APP_RAKEFILE = File.expand_path("test/dummy/Rakefile", __dir__)
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