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HOW DO I SHOW avatar as a thumbnail or image in rails_admin panel.


Hi guys, I have rails model User which has_one_attached :avatar
In rails admin, I can create a new user and upload user image avatar, but the image shows up as a broken image.
How can I let it display like the way a user profile user icon usually displays.

NOTE: when you click on the broken avatar, it shows the image in a new tab, meaning the image is there, How can I display it alongside user_id, email, role.......etc in the rails admin.
Thank you guys in advance, I'm quite new to this!!!!

The same goes for a another model, Product , has_many_attached :images.
How do I show these images in rails_admin.

I have issue with has_many_attached and fortunately I find this post. Thank you for your sharing. cubes 2048

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