How do I build a multi step wizard in ruby with StimulusJS
Hi GoRails,
I would like to make a multistep wizard in ruby on rails without making use of the wicked gem. Just stimulusJS and ruby :)
Could you make a tutorial about that?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Samantha,
I've used and adjusted the tabs from chris' stimulusjs-components to make my own wizard form. You can't currently target a tab using a href/id but this is something Chris will consider adding (i will add a issue for this). Not sure if this helps...
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the reply, can you provide me with a link to the stimulusjs-components of Chris? Thanks!
Hi Samantha O. Wondering if you ever figured out how to set this up? I am just now looking into setting up a wizard and am curious about using stimulus vs. wicked, etc. Any guidance/thoughts would be amazing. Thanks!
+1 for guidence request as well.
I also have this issue: on the multi step form, based on the answer they receive in step1, step 2 form fields will be different, etc. I guess i will give a shot at doing this via hotwire if i can't find any solution