Setup Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
I am try to execute this comand
cat ~/.ssh/ and got the following
grim@Reaper:~/.ssh$ cat ~/.ssh/
cat: /home/grim/.ssh/ No such file or directory
Then I switched it to the RSA key I made and got the same thing
grim@Reaper:~$ cat ~/.ssh/
cat: /home/grim/.ssh/ No such file or directory
Thanks for the great step-by-step. It's been a long time since I used unix/linux, and the world has become much more complex. I instzalled on a new, clean Ubuntu 14.04 and had no problems at all.
I am running ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Will these procedures work on it as well??
The package names have probably changed a bit. You may want to switch to the 13.04 version as it probably has some more similar package versions.
Thanks for the great writeup! I have put this entire process into a shell script to run during vagrant provisioning, and here were a couple of gotchas related to the rbenv install, for those taking this path. This was using the "ubuntu/trusty64” vagrant box (Ubuntu 14.04).
1) In your Vagrantfile, in the config.vm.provision line that calls the script, add the "privileged: false" option at the end, so that it runs as the vagrant user, not sudo. Otherwise the PATH updates (e.g. rbenv) will go into the wrong .bashrc file and the script won't be able to find rbenv later. (Or I guess you could specify that the PATH updates go to /home/vagrant/.bashrc).
2) The "exec $SHELL" commands will cause the script to terminate. I tried a number of solutions to get the PATH updates to take effect, as described in this StackOverflow thread (, but eventually the only solution that worked for me was to comment those out and use the full path to rbenv and gem.
Thus I replaced these lines:
rbenv install 2.1.2
rbenv global 2.1.2
gem install rails -v "=4.1.5"
rbenv rehash
With these:
~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv install 2.1.2
~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv global 2.1.2
~/.rbenv/shims/gem install rails -v "=4.1.5"
~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv rehash
"You want to copy and paste the output of the following command and paste it here.
cat ~/.ssh/"
cat: /home/usr/.ssh/ No such file or directory
Got it. Now to figure out the extent of my pebkac.
ssh wasn't adding my identity correctly. fixed by manually doing it
ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N 'password' -C 'email' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Well thanks a lot .... installed beautifully .......... for a beginner in ruby on rails ... took me a while to figure this out ...........
I had problems with add-apt-repository. Seems like the dependency might need to be software-properties-common (not sure)
excellent excellent: one of the best written instructions set i have ever ever seen on the interent. and i've been to a lot of forums and read a lot of things, esp coming as a ubuntu user learning this thing: but where or where dear friend is the config/database.yml file located? it's really the only thing that is missing........999.999/1000 almost perfect almost full marks
ok i have found it. the config/database.yml file is located at ~/myapp/config/database.yml (of course the tilde "~" denotes the home directory) it's easy once you know but if u dont' know it is a big headache!
Ah yep! Pretty much anytime someone (like myself) mentions a file without giving a full path, they mean inside your Rails app's directory like that.
I followed the guide and got n error at "ssh -T". Before this step you need to makean "ssh-add" to add the generated key
So... this all worked great... until I opened a new terminal and it didn't know where to find rails until I manually typed exec $SHELL in there again. How to make this automatically work?
That's what will happen if you missed the echo lines to write that code into your ~/.bashrc file. Without those lines, it won't load your ruby environment so they're important!
Chris, great information, i was able to install smoothly. i am on amazon AWS ubuntu instance, after creating the app, from my desktop browser, testing localhost:3000 did not work, i tried using ip address of the server and also dns name, http, https, no luck, any idea, how i can test this? Thanks for great instructions
If you set this up remotely, you need to manually run the rails server in an SSH connection and then visit the server IP with the port of 3000. So http://SERVER_IP:3000
A better thing to follow for AWS is the deploy tutorial where your Rails apps are hosted on something remote like AWS or Digital Ocean. It uses Nginx & Passenger so that your Rails apps are always running.