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Bootstrap Devise User create, edit and sessions new


Hi All

I had some difficulty following this - screencast when it came to Bootstrapping devise.

Chris' looked like a bit of extra editing happened behind the scenes. I have since just figured out my own app so here is the code I used...

Had issues with markdown so have published on Gist instead:

Bootstrapping Devise Edit Registration View on Rails 4.2.0 with Bootstrap 3

Bootstrapping Devise New Registration View on Rails 4.2.0 with Bootstrap 3

Bootstrapping Devise New Session View on Rails 4.2.0 with Bootstrap 3

This is awesome Jay! Thanks for posting it. I definitely did cut out some of this because I wanted to focus on Devise rather than Bootstrap. This will come in handy for a lot of people I'm sure. :)

Thanks Chris,

Yeah it is probably pretty basic in the scheme of things but I have stumbled on this a few times when I am going back and building a new app from scratch. Hopefully the code helps other beginners. I'll link to this forum post from my comment on your video too.

Now I have some nice user registration pages that look a bit more like the one's in the video. The only areas I haven't done yet are the devise errors partial and updating passwords etc outside of the edit registration pages. But people should be able to get the gist from my gists' (is that supposed to be the pun?).

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