5.0.1 out of RC?
I just did a bundle update
and my app updated to Rails 5.0.1, it looks like this may have come out of RC. However there is nothing on their site yet. However their github is stating the buuld is failing :/
Just thought i would give a heads up not to update your rails install just yet.
I saw the announcement blog post last night on http://rubyonrails.org.
Github's build stuff is probably for master, not necessarily for the release unless you're looking at the tag for 5.0.1.
I'm not sure what all was included in it, but I know that Phusion talked about the slow client DoS they fixed in Puma for this release: https://blog.phusion.nl/2016/12/21/actioncable-under-stress-protecting-your-application-against-slow-clients-using-passenger/
Oh cool, i only hit their homepage, slight relief that is a final release. I will keep going as i was :)
For reference - http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2016/12/21/Rails-5-0-1-has-been-released/
Yeah you should be safe. I'm actually upgrading GoRails to 5.0.1 as we speak so I will report back if I have any issues.
Almost forgot to post an update. Looks like everything deployed just fine with no problemos! 😎