Chris Oliver


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I believe you're going to need it on the collection too because that's what the filter affects.

Posted in How do I configure paperclip with capistrano?

Yeah your logs/production.log (assuming you're running the production environment in your web server) file should have the actual error in it. Sometimes that file won't be written for a variety of reasons, so you might have to fix that first. I can't remember what the solutions were, but you can google for the empty production.log file and find some solutions on StackOverflow.

Hmm, I can't quite tell where you put it. Did you put it on your Index? <% cache [params[:rating], @profiles] do %>

Posted in How do I configure paperclip with capistrano?

Well if you've done that, you also need to salvage the old file uploads by moving them from one the old releases folders and move them into the new public/system folder that's being symlinked. That's likely why your image still don't work. Kind of a pain as well.

If you are just using test data, you can try reuploading an image, doing a new deploy, and making sure that image still works.

Doh, yeah they do that sometimes. At some point soon I'm going to swap out Disqus with my own comment system.

Posted in [Performance] - Can I Still Refactor This Code?

Basically those methods with ! at the end of them, they actually mutate (or modify) the variable in place. Without the ! a map will create a new array in memory so you'd have to full arrays in memory, and you could discard the other one after the method completes. Using the ! methods should improve your object allocations because they won't be creating new arrays in memory.

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

@Alan, they're actually badges, so you get a badge at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months but only after you cross that threshold. Going to be doing similar things for answering questions and whatnot. :D

@Jacob, yeah for sure! The editor is which I like quite a bit. It was easy to setup, but unfortunately doesn't provide any way of doing @mentions unfortunately. Guess I may have to build my own editor at some point instead.

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

Yeah, there's a lot of changes, I'll be announcing it all shortly!

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

@Alan, I added a reactions feature so you can give kudos to other people just like on Github issues. :D

Posted in [Performance] - Can I Still Refactor This Code?

I think you're generally going to struggle optimizing the number of allocations in this because your operation happens on every single user balance. It's going to allocate a ton of objects no matter what you do since you're loading every active one.

One optimization you can make is to pluck the active user IDs and query by that rather than loading up all those objects. I would also test to see if the in place mutation methods improve performance like so:

def self.all_users_gold_balances
  gold_gateway_id = Gateway.find_by(currency: "GLD").id
  active_user_ids = active_users.pluck(:id)
  user_balances   = Balance.where(gateway_id: gold_gateway_id).includes(:user).where(user: active_user_ids).pluck('balances.amount', 'users.account_number')! {|balance| array << {account_number: balance[1], gold_balance: balance[0].truncate(3)} }
  user_balances.sort_by! {|hash| hash[:account_number]}
  return user_balances

Yeah that should work. What cache key is that referencing in your logs?

You could include the filter and role in your cache key and save them as separate caches.

I would be somewhat careful with that because if you have a lot, then you're just filling up the cache storage with stuff that's likely to get blown away and you won't get any benefits from caching. Compiling a list of small cache snippets is super fast, so you might consider just not caching the list, but cache each individual item instead. The compilation of everything will be fast enough and can save you on some cache storage space if you notice bloat saving all the different copies.

Posted in Inviting Users with devise_invitable Discussion

If you've got a real Actionmailer config setup to hit a real smtp server, you can have it send real emails in development. If they aren't arriving, then you will want to double check your configuration to make sure that it's authenticating correctly and you see the emails being sent from your email provider logs.

Posted in Russian Doll Caching with Rails 5 Discussion

Yup, you can either use JS to hide / show functionality or you can also include the role in the cache key if you want. That will create caches for each role meaning you'll use more cache storage, but can cache each version separately. I'd still recommend using JS to hide / show things so you only have one cache per item.

Posted in How do I configure paperclip with capistrano?

You have to make sure that you symlink the paperclip uploads folder each deploy so your files don't get lost. They create a folder on your server and then every deploy the Rails app is deployed to a new folder, meaning you lose those old files.

Add this to your config/deploy.rb and it will symlink the directory each time so your files won't disappear.

set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('public/system')

Posted in Shrine Backgrounding and Video Transcoding Discussion

I may or may not cover Sidekiq in that episode. The trick is as long as you use ActiveJob, there's no difference if use sucker_punch or Sidekiq to power it. They'll work exactly the same except that with Sidekiq you just need to make sure the Sidekiq process is running. ActiveJob provides that nice abstraction layer on top so that your code is exactly the same and you can swap background workers easily.

Posted in User Authentication with Devise | GoRails

Nothing too special, just toss them in a Bootstrap modal and that's it. :)

Posted in Direct File Uploads to S3: Part 3 Discussion

LOL! It might have been cached or something, awesome that it's working now! :D

Posted in Direct File Uploads to S3: Part 3 Discussion

Haha no worries! Want to upload the file for me to look at what you've got?

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

@Jacob, the markdown preview is different than the server side renderer so things are slightly different sometimes.