Francisco Quinones


7,400 Experience
40 Lessons Completed
2 Questions Solved


Posted in Solving FizzBuzz in Ruby Discussion

love it

Posted in How to migrate from Heroku to Digital Ocean

thnx Chris for taking the time.

Posted in How to migrate from Heroku to Digital Ocean

Chris, I'm thinking of moving to digital Ocean from Heroku but my knowledge on this topic is cloudy. Can you tell us about the differences between the 2 service? and benefit.

im in the Video yay lol Chris keep up the good work

Posted in How to add logo image to mailer

O yes, I start reading about CORS but looks to shallow for me at the moment. As the problem with the fonts is on my site and not in the email. If I disable the image on email and hide the config for that all goes back to normal. So yes need to do a workaround the email images and the font cross site.

Posted in GoRails speed

Isaac Will do I started watching it the other day. ill will see it soon. thank you Chris is always on point with the topics

Posted in Migration Issue caused Heroku to fail.

oh this error is the position of the paperclip method you need to have the has_attachment before the validation.

Posted in GoRails speed

+1 thanx

Posted in How to add logo image to mailer

@chris I use that approach but that get me another error.

 Font from origin has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy 

The email show the logo but now fonts are missing.
has I'm using subdomain

Posted in lazy high charts gem

can you add your code and what you're expecting the result to be.

@chris will love to see an episode on this topic

Posted in How to add logo image to mailer

Hi how can we add image from my assets to the email like my logo when sending email to the users.

Posted in Upgrading simple_calendar for Rails 5 Discussion

like the new intro

Thank you chris for this cover on this great gem

Quick question Chris what happen if you have different user and different role like this.
This is the users like me the owner of the services.
"App Owner" User Model
Super Admin
This is the users that are using the service

User Model + Customer User Model
more ...
This is the client of my customer
User Model + Client User Model
General Manager

What techniques will you use for this?

This what I did.

User Model
has_one :client_user
has_one :customer_user

belongs_to :user

belongs_to :user

And Role with Cancancan for the User

Freaking Love it Chris your on point all the time! love it love it. Thank you has always.

Posted in Rspec Test on Multi tanent app with aparment gem

Hi I'm having a hard time figuring this out.

Im starting to do test on my Multitenant app and encounter a problem when trying to run the project_spec.rb
I get this error:

  $ bundle exec rspec spec/models/project_spec.rb 


 1) Project has a valid factory
 Failure/Error: Apartment::Tenant.create(subdomain)

   The schema companydemo already exists.
 # ./app/models/company.rb:67:in `create_tenant'
 # ./spec/models/project_spec.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
 # ------------------
 # --- Caused by: ---
 # PG::DuplicateSchema:
 #   ERROR:  schema "companydemo" already exists
 #   ./app/models/company.rb:67:in `create_tenant'

 Finished in 1.22 seconds (files took 4.13 seconds to load)
  1 example, 1 failure
  Failed examples:
  rspec ./spec/models/project_spec.rb:12 # Project has a valid factory

What im looking for is how can I do test on a multitenant playing nice with the Company Model callback for creating tenant when a Company is create. I know I need to setup some before logic.
Im new to test so please any help on how to solve this problem.

Thank you.

Posted in Deploying To Production on Heroku with Puma Discussion

thnx Chris for the quick response as always. works great the app performance double just by changing from unicorn to puma.

Posted in Deploying To Production on Heroku with Puma Discussion

So chris im using this on my db.yml file

<<: *default
host: xxxxxxx
database: xxxxxx
password: xxxxx
port: xxxxxx

on your video you paste this code

url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_URL"] %>
pool: <%= ENV["DB_POOL"] || ENV['MAX_THREADS'] || 5 %>

• form my db.yml code what parts I need to change.
• on heroku Config Vars I only have the DATABASE_URL its the DB_POOL build by puma??

thank you.

Posted in Sharing Data With Javascript Discussion

more like this pls!!