Olsi Gjeci
thank you Chris!
Chris does that mean then the Dance and Meeting CLASSES should have the same attributes like start_date and title if i want to show title of event and also be able to do this
= month_calendar events: @events, previous_link: events_ajax_previous_link, next_link: events_ajax_next_link do |start_date, events| ? Yeah so really dont understand how to iterate each Meeting object and Dance object and more from other classes if they all have different attributes, when I can only do |start_date, events| in the code above?? i did what you said but cannot show a thing. so frustrated with this. i really cannot figure out a way! can you help please?
are you posting the episode today? thanks a lot
Hi Chris. I have a question.
If i use this:
= month_calendar events: @dances, previous_link: events_ajax_previous_link, next_link: events_ajax_next_link do |start_date, dances|
= start_date.strftime("%d") if start_date.present?
- dances.each do |dance|
= link_to dance.style.name, dance_path(dance)
to show an event (in this case a dance event), and it works fine for one event but
HOW do i SHOW a recurring dance event, lets say next 3 recurrences like below but that it shows on each recurrence date on the calendar?
= dance.converted_schedule.next_occurrences(3)
i can show the dates with this code but i want them to show in the calendar.
ALSO is there a way to show multiple type of events from different models all in the same calendar?
thank you!
Hey Chris are you gonna make this episode as you promised? Waiting for it! thank you
I've followed your video and able to now create notifications on all my controllers but the conversation and messages controllers not able to. cant really find the recipient in the case of mailboxer messages and conversations? also do i create both notifications for a new conversation and new message? can you help with creating notification for messages and conversations? thanks
thank you Francisco. This helps a lot. My question is because I guess I don't fully understand all this, how do you exactly store the event the same way it is stored the first time- with all attributes like start date and image, etc etc... also you store it in the same table or create the recurrent table/model you were talking about? thanks, man and I hope this is not too many questions- I guess I don't fully understand.
Hey Francisco yes that would help me a lot! thanks man. looking forward. it helps me a lot looking at different ways of doing it so looking at code is so nice! that's how ive been learning all about rails and playing myself of course but since im a proffesional dancer and had nothing to do before in my life with code, just looking at something and trying to make sense of it and learn form it has been very effective. thank you guys for this wonderful community. The rails community is always nice wherever you go! it just makes me learn more actually! hehe :) thanks guys
Hey Francisco can you share some ideas on how you have implemented these? having some problems with what i described above. thanks
Yes. Ice_cube and recurring_select are nice especially used together. yep that part is confusing for me. but im doing something like described here:
and still having some problems with to_h and to_hash...when i have users create dance class without recurrence(bc it's optional) it gives me error and says chnage to to_h- i do and it works - it saves with recurrence rule.... but when i do try to save with recurrence it says change to to_hash... and it works when i do! so weird.... also updating the event same thing!!! anyway, maybe bothering you too much, but just wanted to share just in case you happen to see same errors at some point!! thanks man..
oh i have another question about notifications(from your videos) and mailboxer messages- ive followed yout tut and able to now create notifications on all my controllers but the conversation and messages controllers not able to. cant really find the recipient in the case of mailboxer messages and conversations? also do i create both notifications for a new conversation and new message? i do want both! sorry im mixing other things in this thread.
THANK you so much again man!
Nice! thanks Chris. It would be really great if you can approximate something like what google calendar does with recurring events! that would be awesome. i really cant find the best way to record all the recurring events and display them in many pages taking in consideration that user might update/delete all or one of those recurring events and keep the others for example or even having a maximum number of those that can be created for each object! etc etc, but a bit complex for me ! also using you simple_calendar or and yes it would be awesome to integrate recurring events with it. thank you! looking forward to these episodes man! following all your tutorials and learning a lot! from them!
hey chris, if i want to NOT send email s for every message that i send to a user, how can i do that? how can i just keep these messages internal in my app? thanks
Can you make an episode on this! I've gotten to the point of adding recurrence rules, but having trouble generating and showing events that are recurring on future dates the same way they appear regularly on a page when you create and kind of events!
Thank you Chris. I asked you before about this and you said you will do it. Hopefully, you find some time soon! thanks a lot. keep up the good work!
Posted in Episode Suggestion:
Hey Chris. Is it possible to do an episode on recurrence, recurring events? I'm looking at ice cube gem and recurring select but not that easy for me to fully understand everything! it would be great if you consider doing one on recurring events in general and/or events that might have many attributes like images, start and end times etc etc... thank you for your time and for your screencasts!
nice Chris! Thank you!