Tabish Iqbal


6,640 Experience
22 Lessons Completed
5 Questions Solved


Posted in Rich Text Blog Posts with ActionText Discussion

you can do
<%= truncate(blog_post.content.to_plain_text, length: 130) %>

Posted in Build Multitenancy App in a different way

Brendan, a little late but heres a simple approach without using any gem.

Posted in Dynamic Select Fields in Rails with Hotwire Discussion

well figured it out you can do this just incase someone is having the same issue. Its just inserting a blank value at 0.

<%= turbo_stream.update @target do %>
  <%= options_for_select { |k,v| ["#{k.first_name} #{k.last_name}", v =] }.insert(0, "") %>
<% end %>

step further if you want to show some text but have no value for that option you can also do the following:

<%= turbo_stream.update @target do %>
  <%= options_for_select { |k,v| ["#{k.first_name} #{k.last_name}", v =] }.insert(0, ["Please select...", ""]) %>
<% end %>

Basically adding this at the end .insert[0, ["please select...", ""]

Posted in Dynamic Select Fields in Rails with Hotwire Discussion

Is there a way to include blank when doing this? I have tried several variations (not related to country/state but team/user) but haven't had any success.

<%= turbo_stream.update @target do %>
  <%= options_for_select( { |k,v| ["#{k.first_name} #{k.last_name}", v =] }, include_blank: true) %>
<% end %>

Downloading / emailing a file should be more so a background job so you don't block other processes (app) specially if its a large file.

How does this work if say you have a mobile app that's a wrapper for your WebViews, compared to someone using safari/chrome on their mobile device?

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

You using link_to or button_to ?

Posted in Auto-removing notices from a turbo_stream

Do you mean like a flash notice? you can do it as a

function myFunction() {
  setTimeout(function(){ alert("Hello"); }, 3000);

Posted in What is the best way to learn React JS? has a beginner and advanced React courses thats up-to-date.

Hey - this is all I had to do to get it working. If you're on slack I can send you a video of how that looks.

Hey Matthew, kinda old but did you figure this out? From what I gather you're trying to have one drop down where when the user selects a value it updates values in another dropdown. If so hit me up as I have a working example of this.

Posted in Introduction to Stimulus Reflex Discussion

SR does allow you to update the whole page, selector or nothing. For the whole page morph it will re-run the controller action. Not sure how it would work with Calendar events but more info can be found here:

Posted in Realtime Nested Comments: Part 3 Discussion

How does this work with someones avatar thats uploaded using activestorage? I get the following url for the image

where the was set in application_controller_renderer.rb. Even after replacing it to "localhost" it still doesn't work. When you do a full page reload all the avatars show up.

Posted in Realtime Nested Comments: Part 2 Discussion

Not going to lie I hear some beeping sound or popping sound and then raise my right or left arm depending on which ear I heard it in. Am I the only one hearing this or what? It's low key making me do the hearing test...

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

do you have a /assets/javascripts/libraries folder? installed it for asset pipeline or webpack?

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

prob the best xmas gift he got...

Howdy. You can have your static marketing pages in the same app if you like. The way I have done it is have routing constraints. IE

class MarketingSite
  def self.matches?(request)
    request.subdomain.blank? || request.subdomain == "www"

class App
  def self.matches?(request)
    request.subdomain.present? && request.subdomain == "app"

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  constraints(MarketingSite) do
    root "static#index"
    get "/pricing", to: "static#pricing"
    get "/contact", to: "static#contact"

  constraints(App) do

And then you will have a views/layouts/static.html.erb which will be used by the static controller like so:

class StaticController < ApplicationController
  layout "static"

Posted in Row-level Multitenancy with ActsAsTenant Discussion

You can let people sign up using devise but accept a nested attribute for company and get the company name on the signup form as well. Company has many users and user belongs to company. Another thing is having a join table so

Company: has_many company_users
CompanyUser: belongs_to company, belongs_to user
User: has_many :company_users, belongs_to company, through: company_user