Chris Oliver


292,760 Experience
93 Lessons Completed
296 Questions Solved


Posted in Hatchbox Postgres Problem

You should use the Hatchbox support link instead of posting in the GoRails forum.

Sounds like Postgres isn't running. Hatchbox doesn't fully manage your Postgres server for you, but it will install it and start it up.

I checked out your server and Postgres crashed because your server ran out of memory. You may need to upgrade to the next server size.

Hiding vs removing the tag in the HTML doesn't really make any difference. Just have to make sure that only admins are allowed on the server side of the request.

Posted in Question About Railties, rails repo and rails gems

It is a bit strange, but yes, they do use it as a monorepo. All the code for ActiveRecord is in the activerecord folder and so on. Each of those folders is a gem and gets published along with the Rails release.

The reason they do this is because they have to coordinate releasing all these gems at the same time with each new Rails release. This helps keep things consistent since they can keep track of it all in one place. Rails 6.1 can release updates for every gem with one command since it's all in the same repo.

I like app/validators. You can easily add in more there as needed and it's nicely organized. 👍

Posted in How do I style select options?

I think you have to use a Javascript library to create a custom select box like that. The browser's select box does not allow you to do that.

For example, something like this provides a ton of flexibilty: or

Posted in Phusion Passenger error on Hatchbox

You can use -n 300 to with tail to display 300 lines of logs. By default it only shows a small handful.

Posted in Phusion Passenger error on Hatchbox

Is there more to the stacktrace? This doesn't look like a complete one.

Posted in How do I resolve this syntax error

Presumably you meant options to be a hash? You used () instead of {}

options = {

Doh! You can delete the file and generate new credentials. That's probably the easiest option and then you can save the .key file somewhere safe this time. 😅

Hey Jim!

Since the credentials file contains API keys and other secrets, only the encrypted file gets stored in git. The matching config/credentials.key contains the key to decrypt that file. The key should not be stored in the repo, otherwise it wouldn't be secure and you might as well store the keys in plain text.

So you'll have to grab the config/credentials.key file from your other computer and add it to your laptop.

Keep that key safe like a password. It's the only way to decrypt the credentials.

For background jobs on Ubuntu, you would normally use SystemD.

With sidekiq, you would:

  1. Add the Sidekiq systemd script to /etc/systemd/system/sidekiq.service
  2. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  3. sudo systemctl enable sidekiq
  4. sudo systemctl start sidekiq

daemon-reload refreshes systemd so it sees the new service.
enable allows it to start when the server boots.
start starts sidekiq

You then want to run sudo systemctl restart sidekiq on deploy so it can pickup the latest Rails code for the jobs.

Posted in PAGY with Rails API Only

Hey Tim,

Normally, you want to pass the next page number into the URL like you mentioned. That's how pagination links work when you display render them. Then the server knows which group of 20 records to grab next.

Rails always sanitizes rendering HTML by default, so it should be fine. Rendering ActionText content is also sanitized and you can use the sanitize helper anytime you want to be sure it gets sanitized.

You just do not want to ever use html_safe or raw which will introduce XSS vulnerabilities because it will not escape content if you use them.

You should try just paginating on the ActiveRecord association instead of the array.

def dashboard
    @gigs =[:page]).per(4)

Then in the view

<%= @gigs.each do |gig| %>
<% end %>

<%= paginate @gigs %>

Posted in Recording Building a Rails Based Accounting System

Love the idea! I've thought about doing something like this myself in the past, I just don't have the time. I love watching people stream this stuff on Twitch, so I'm sure other people will enjoy watching it too. 👍

Posted in How long will Rails 5 be supported?

Here's details on the support / maintenance policies for Rails.

Only the latest release series will receive bug fixes. When enough bugs are fixed and its deemed worthy to release a new gem, this is the branch it happens from.

The current release series and the next most recent one will receive patches and new versions in case of a security issue.

For severe security issues all releases in the current major series, and also the last release in the previous major series will receive patches and new versions. The classification of the security issue is judged by the core team.

So that means Rails 5.2 will continue receiving security updates until Rails 6.1 is out. Rails 5.1 and earlier are no longer supported.

Hey Alex,

Have you set RAILS_ENV=staging on the server so it knows to run the staging env in production?

Awesome! I like when solutions are that easy. 🤘

Have you double checked to make sure you're indexing the account_id in ElasticSearch?

Posted in Model/concerns question

If you're calling title directly, then you're not calling your capitalize_title method. You would want to call the name method.