Webpacker noob - so I saw your video and im using rails 6
how does one go by installing https://github.com/metafizzy/isotope with webpacker?
yarn add isotope-layout
now I get an error
- @staff.each do |faculty|
- if faculty.profile.attached?
= link_to image_tag(url_for(faculty.profile)), '#', class: 'card-img-top'
= link_to "#" do
= faculty.staff_title
= faculty.title
// options
itemSelector: '.card-wrapper',
layoutMode: 'fitRows',
percentPosition: true,
gutter: 10
(index):311 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).isotope is not a function
at (index):311
This is the link I have here
Here is the gist
Figured it out
var jQueryBridget = require('jquery-bridget');
var Isotope = require('isotope-layout');
jQueryBridget( 'isotope', Isotope, $ );
Sheesh !