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Vue.js Components in Rails Views Discussion

Guys, I feel very stupid asking this but I still don't understand what is the purpose of data-behavior="vue" to initialize the Vue instance. How does this differ compared to doing <div id="app"><%= yield %></div> ? It feels like the serve exactly the same purpose.


This looks like Rails UJS born-again: add in a simple html attribute and BOOM: you get all this functionality for free with minimal effort. I would also add that if this approach is combined with a stimulus controller: and you can load and initialize vue components via AJAX, or turbo_frames, or even turbo streams. best bit.


are there any differences using it with turbo js now?


Could you post how to migrate for Rails 7 + Esbuild?
I tried but I got
Failed to mount app: mount target selector "app" returned null.

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