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Upload Cover Images in Rails with ActiveStorage Discussion


Hey Chris, thanks for the video. Will the MiniMagick gem work with the method in your method? Because I'd like to upload any image then have it resized to certain dimensions and orientated the correct way automatically for me.

You can. Check out the ActiveStorage guide for variants.

Hello Chris, I would like to ask for the code I have followed your directions but in the "purge_later" section then rails will give an error in the form of "ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant BlogPosts::CoverImagesController):" but when using the "purge" line of code then rails will run normally, could you explain at least what is wrong? even though I have compared and there is no difference.
Thank you

Hi Chris, thanks for the lecture, is there a way you recommend to crop the image before the upload?

Thank you for that free series!


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