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Tailwind Checked Radio Buttons = Change Background


I've been able to use Tailwind to change my radio buttons into normal buttons.

changing the background on 'hover' works, same with 'active' (on click) but there's no setting for 'checked'. Has anyone had any luck building a custom class variant for 'checked' ??

Ok, just solved my own problem. For anyone else wanting to turn radio buttons into actual buttons using CSS there's a 'focus-within' class used to target child elements. I'll probably move away from 'buttons' and use a custom card but here's a solution, just wrap it in a div within the collection block.

<%= form.collection_radio_buttons :event_type_id, EventType.all, :id, :event_type do |b| %>
div class="btn btn-primary text-white checked:bg-white focus-within:bg-white">
<%= b.radio_button class: "opacity-0" %>
<%= b.label class: "" %>

<% end %>

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