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Syncing Videos With Video Hosting API Client Discussion


Thanks for sharing these steps for setting up Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10. For those looking to set up WSL on Windows 11, the process is quite similar.

Thank you for the information on setting up WSL on Windows 10. It’s great to know that the process is similar for Windows 11. I’ll definitely keep this in mind. On a different note, I recently explored and their new balloon arch, which could be a fantastic addition to my upcoming event. Their decor options seem like they would really enhance the atmosphere. Thanks again for the WSL tips!

Probably I missed something, but I think it's enough to check if response[:items] is empty to break the loop

what should I do if I get the standard error when I run

Same problem here. Did anyone find the solution?

Simply calling is going to raise that error as you are not instantiating a new instance of the Bunny class with any credentials. You are supposed to be using your credentials (library_id and access_key as shown in the screenshot below) in order to actually start making requests to Bunny.

Source code is giving me 404

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