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Setting background image from User uploaded asset



I am trying to set a user uploaded image as the background for their profile but cant seem to get it working. I'm stuck on what way to reference the image in the background css style. I'm using Rails 6.

style="background url('<%= image_tag(@creator.profile_image) %>')"

style="background url('<%= @creator.header_image %>')"

Any help would be greatly appriciated.



Assuming you're using ActiveStorage?

Should be like:

style="background: url('<%= image_url @creator.header_image %>');"

Hi Chris,

Weird. I tried your solution but still no luck. See image. I am using active storage. See image of error. "The asset "" is not present in the asset pipeline."


If I just add it to a div on the page to test, it will show up.

<%= image_tag(@creator.header_image, style: 'width:100%') %>

Well, it looks like you don't have an image attached. That will obviously only work if there is an image attached. 🧐

Hi Chris,

Thanks for taking the time to help me. The funny thing is there is an image attached. If I just add the image tag on the page it loads fine:

<%= image_tag(@creator.header_image, style: 'width:100%') %>

Hmm, I wonder why then the string was "" then. I assumed that's what it would do when there was no attachment.

Try just printing out the image_url on the page directly. Once you figure out what's missing there, then you can add it to the style attribute.

You can always throw a byebug onto the page so you can fiddle with it while it's rendering.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your help on this. I eventually got it solved. The following worked:

style="background-image: url(<%= rails_blob_url(@creator.header_image) %>)"



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