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Ruby & Rails Courses


is this GoRails offer any complete Video course for Ruby On Rails?
I am totally newbie in ROR world so I would love to start from Stratch.

Thanks & Regards

Not currently, but I'm actually working on one! What's your knowledge about web development so far? Have you learned anything else or are you starting completely new with Rails?

I'm also new to RoR and would like a tracklist like from 0 to hero. My web expertise is basically PHP and minor tries on JS.

Hello @Chris,
I am not new in Web Development. I know PHP, NodeJS, Python all of those lnaugages I know in intermidiate level.
I have been working with WordPress and Shopify Since 2015 but Yeah it's true I haven't developed any Web Application using a particular language.
I have developed few test project but that's not too much.

Awesome! I've got a long weekend out of town, but when I get back I can probably crank on a few episodes that start from the very basics.

Sorry for asking on a one year old thread. But any beginner courses that are out

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