Setup Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
Thank you, it helped me a lot...
ZhAinoS %z% repliedThank you, it helped me a lot...
ZhAinoS %z% repliedHey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana repliedupdate actuallytnx, for correcting methe one that fetches the repos or sort of
Shefferd repliedThank you!Great Job
Prabhjot Singh repliedI agree. I think a submit an improvement piece would be helpful. It would allow others to add value to the already valuable resources you provide. Plus a lot of us have edge cases which we could...
shakycode repliedI too have battled with this for ages, using vagrant et al on Ubuntu 17.10. Kept getting the "too many children" error. I discovered that many thought the problem was with "archive-tar-minitar" gem...
Bob Bannister repliedTellcitybbq City Barbeque how was your last dining experience through City Barbeque Customer Satisfaction Survey.
hennybell227 replied • SolvedTo whom it may concern, make sure your redis-server is running and the you update the development adapter to redis with the URL in cable.yml if turbo is not working as expected. Thanks for the less...
Kamalanathan Sogathur Govindan repliedSorry for asking on a one year old thread. But any beginner courses that are out
akshaytolwani123 repliedHey Ken, I was searching gorails for Redux content and went to check out your application and it looks like its down? Is this still an active project?
Aaron repliedConfigure the Rails Application. Create the Application. Add the PostgreSQL username and password. Create the new application databases.
Randy Medina repliedI recently updated, a lot of bugs to fix [foodle](
formalexclusive repliedI haven't actually used Gitlab's CI, but it's close. So you don't need a master.key file as long as you have the RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable. Rails will check for the env var first and u...
Chris Oliver repliedI'm Brazilian, sorry by my inglish... I'm using bitbucket. In my case capistrano run all commands ok, but in server no created any file its all empty in folder suppose deploy my project.
Paulo Sousa repliedDid you run:sudo -u postgres createuser $USER -s
Gregg Horton repliedrvm has first tier support for bash, and nominal support for zsh, and WILL NOT WORK in other shells. rbenv is the tool you need to use for other shells, or just do things manually.
Peter Boling repliedIcing on the cake:echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrcgem install pry && echo 'alias irb=pry' >> ~/.bashrc
Tom Lobato repliedIn 2022 and we have Rails 7 and Tailwindcss 3. This tutorial needs an update.
Mostafa Ahangarha replied