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Recommended Gems - share them here :)

Gems / Libraries

Most of my recommendations are performance oritented but I'll be happy to hear about Gems that can help in other domains.

  1. PGHero , great to keep track of your database , get index recommendations etc.

  2. Scout Gem/Addon (Heroku , don't know how/if they work outside) of it , again great to keep track of N+1 issues , memory spikes and more.

  3. memory_profiler , great tool to analyze and compare your memory footprint.

  4. Typehoeus , multi-threading HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS request. VERY easy to use for anything you need. Highly recommended.

  5. Ox , THE BEST XML parser for Ruby. Saved my life :)

  6. Oj , same author as Ox , probably the best JSON parser too.

  7. ActiveRecord-Import , bulk INSERT / UPDATE operations. Can save a HUGE amount of time.

  8. bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2 , a Bootstrap based admin layout not the prettiest but works well and is very easy to setup.

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