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Rails latest (6.1.1) with Ruby latest (3.0.0)


Starting to teach another semester I like to recommend the latest versions that work correctly and/or are recommended by the maintainers. I can’t find a proper recommendation, and I’ve seen a few glitches with 3.0.0 + 6.1.1. I don’t know if those glitches are my fault or due to my using those packages. What is your recommendation?

What glitches are you referring to?

Ruby 2.7 and Rails 6.1 are probably the best to go with for now I'd say.

Thanks. I was following a tutorial (not here) and there were certain details about what layouts/application.erb was supposed to look like and it didn't match. Then I had a problem which I think was due to a bundler version. All that got me thinking... (Btw other than your excellent responses, where would you say is the go-to place to post questions like this? Is it stack overflow? or Or somewhere else?

If I'm looking for the template from a brand new Rails app, I'll actually open the github repo for Rails and find the template in there.

For example:

And I imagine you'd get answers quickest on StackOverflow. I always forget about the Rails discourse. I need to poke around on there more regularly.

Don't forget the GoRails slack if you're a subscriber! There's always people around to help there.

Hey Chris, where's the Slack again?

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