Muliple has_one's on a polymorphic association
I wish to add a billing_address and a delivery_address to my Client's.
So i thought i would make my Addresses polymorphic.
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :addresses, as: :addressable
has_one :delivery_address, class_name: 'Address', as: :addressable
has_one :billing_address, class_name: 'Address', as: :addressable
def delivery_address
super ||
def billing_address
super ||
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :addressable, polymorphic: true
def full_address
[line1, line2, town, county, postcode].compact.join(', ')
How ever when i try to update the billing address @client.billing_address
both the @client.billing_address
and @client.delivery_address
get set to the same address. And the previous addresses :addressable_id gets set to nil.
[1] #<Address:0x007f8bb1acdf20> {
:addressable_id => nil,
:addressable_type => "Client",
:country => "Ireland",
:county => "Limerick",
:created_at => Sat, 25 Jun 2016 17:43:48 UTC +00:00,
:id => 2,
:line1 => "123 New Street",
:line2 => "College Court",
:postcode => "DTW1234",
:town => "Limerick",
:updated_at => Sat, 25 Jun 2016 17:44:46 UTC +00:00
[2] #<Address:0x007f8bb1ace060> {
:addressable_id => 25,
:addressable_type => "Client",
:country => "Ireland",
:county => "Limerick",
:created_at => Sat, 25 Jun 2016 17:44:46 UTC +00:00,
:id => 3,
:line1 => "126 New Street",
:line2 => "College Court",
:postcode => "DTW1234",
:town => "Limerick",
:updated_at => Sat, 25 Jun 2016 17:58:14 UTC +00:00
Obviously I can still see all the addresses doing @client.addresses. But how do I implement and maintain reference to separate billing and delivery address for a client.
Any tips/pointers welcome,
Thanks :)
Hmm, I wonder if you need to include the address ID in the form as a hidden field so Rails knows which records to update. If it doesn't have the ID of the nested model, it is just going to create a new one, so that might be what's happening here. It seems like it's creating new records instead of updating the old ones. Does that sound right?