Search Results for "how-to-use-dependency-injection-in-ruby-discussion"
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Setup Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Discussion
Icing on the cake:echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrcgem install pry && echo 'alias irb=pry' >> ~/.bashrc
Tom Lobato repliedCheck if class was instantiated and instance method was called
I figured out the solution. Here are basic concepts:1. To check if an instance method was called, it is possible to use a mock. For example, Minites::Mock.2. To make sure a piece of code (Executor#...
Alex Musayev replied • SolvedThousand separator and Number formating
How to use Uppy with ActiveStorage Discussion
I built a stimulus controller for this but ran into some issues getting the uppy stylesheets to load. I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. Putting details here so I don't lose them or pe...
Brian Carpenter repliedMigrating From jQuery to Vanilla Javascript Discussion
@Chris, I know this episode is a little old, but this is still something I'm dealing with today. I understand the rationale behind the move to get rid of jQuery in web apps: jQuery was from a time...
Dan LeGrand repliedUsing multiple theme in Multi tenancy application
I'd suggest making a branch of your project and just test it out. But from the looks of it, it seems like that gem would help you with the organization of your assets but it doesn't seem like there...
Jacob Montgomery repliedRender partial via AJAX without JQuery
GitHub Actions with Ruby on Rails: Setting up Continuous Integration Discussion
As a note, for devs with PR process, this setup will cause to be n+1 since you'll be triggering runs on any push without considering the branch, a better approach would be to only count pushes to `...
Ignacio Alonso repliedStyling with Bootstrap Sass Discussion
I have a really small question... How do i style a particular element in a particular controller action. I know there's a way to put the controller name in the body of appcontroller but i don't kno...
Anyanwu Miracle repliedSEEKING FREELANCER - Javascript configuration
Cool. I'll try it this afternoon. Thanks so much again.
Melanie replied • SolvedSetup Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander Discussion
Thank you!Great Job
Prabhjot Singh repliedSetup Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Discussion
o meu nao deu certo
lucas repliedUsing Vagrant for Rails Development Discussion
I too have battled with this for ages, using vagrant et al on Ubuntu 17.10. Kept getting the "too many children" error. I discovered that many thought the problem was with "archive-tar-minitar" gem...
Bob Bannister repliedSubscriptions with Stripe Discussion
HAS anyone been able to get STRIPE EMBEDDED PAYMENTS working? I followed Collin's course to the T, but when I get to the point where the stripe form is supposed to be inserted into my DIV on the Ap...
Jon Roock repliedLiking Posts Discussion
Hey! I really appreciate all these screencasts, happily pro user. For this I'm getting an "undefined method 'likes'" on the user model so i'm a little stuck. Any ideas why?Cheers! :)
Juanmnl repliedDeploy Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion
Setup Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
Thank you, it helped me a lot...
ZhAinoS %z% repliedDeploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
Hey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana replied