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How long does it take for comments to post?


I posted a comment on an episode, but it didn't show, so I followed it up with a simple "test" which also didn't post/register. Is there a comment filter or do comments need approval before they're posted?


It probably got marked as spam. I'll check the comments and unmark it for ya.

Actually, I don't see your other comment. Hmmm! That's weird.

I'll go ahead and post the question here in the community and link to the episode I'm having issues with.

The episode comments are also forum threads, so let me know if you still have issues. I need to go through the forum code some more and polish it up again. It got overrun a bit by spammers before so I've been trying to get it back in order.

I went ahead and created a new thread. Thanks for taking a closer look.

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