How do I update a model with has_many :through association in grouped_collection_select
I have the following models:
class User < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'user.users'
has_many :user_sources
has_many :sources, through: :user_sources, foreign_key: :source_code
class User::Source < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'user.sources'
self.primary_key = 'code'
has_many :user_sources, foreign_key: :source_code
has_many :users, through: :user_sources
class User::UserSource < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'user.user_sources'
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :source, foreign_key: :source_code
belongs_to :category, class_name: 'User::SourceCategory', foreign_key: :category_code, inverse_of: :sources
validates :user, :source, presence: true
class User::SourceCategory < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'user.source_categories'
self.primary_key = 'code'
has_many :sources, foreign_key: :category_code, inverse_of: :category
validates :code, :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true
I have the following form (using slim html):
form_for(user, multipart: true) do |f|
= f.label :sources, "Source"
= f.grouped_collection_select(:sources, User::SourceCategory.order(name: :asc), :sources, :name, :code, :name, \
{prompt: true}, {class: 'form-control', required: true})
In controller#new, i also did something like this:
I am not sure if I have set the grouped_collection_select correctly, but the @user.sources didn't have any value upon create. And yes I did permit the parameters as well. I am not sure how to configure the form so that upon submit the form, the @user.sources will be updated correctly based on the grouped_collection_select input selected. Not sure if i am missing something. Appreciate if anyone could guide/advise me on the right way to implement this.