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How do I order by an associations serialised value?

Andre Zimpel asked in Rails

Folowing setup:

I got a rails app with dynamic content types. An user can create a content type and add fields (string, integer...) to it. Those are basically the smae like reugale rails models but they are managable through the app and the ui.

So I got:

class ContentType < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :content_type_fields
  has_many :content_entries
  has_many :content_entry_fields, through: :content_entries
class ContentTypeField < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :content_type
  has_many :content_entry_fields
  has_many :content_entries, through: :content_entry_fields

In addition to that I got content entries. The content entry belongs to an content type that defines the available fields. Plus there are content entry fields. They represent the content for a field for an entry.

class ContentEntry < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :content_type
  delegate :content_type_fields, to: :content_type
  has_many :content_entry_fields
class ContentEntryField < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :content_entry
  belongs_to :content_type_field

  serialize :value, JSON

I do serialize the value of the content entry field to enable localisation, e.g.: {"en-US":true,"de-DE":false}.

An example:

There is a content type called billboards. It has a content type field for title, link and link_color.
Based on the type let's say there are the following entries:

1, Shop,, black
2, Lookbook,, #eee
3, About Us,, red.

Please keep in that the values in the database would be something like {"en-US":"About Us","de-DE":"Über uns"}.

Well, here comes the question:

How do I order all the entries based on the content entry field?

Something like: order all entries by title ASC or by link DESC.

I hope you get what I want to achieve. Basically I want to be able to dynamically create models through the ap ui, add entries based on that and then serve them through an api.

Thank you very much!

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