How do I integrate a bootstrap theme with rails 6 ?
I'm a new subscriber and would like to integrate a new bootstrap theme from
Which tutorial would you recommed?
I used the "How to use bootstrap with webpacker in rails 6" previously as a reference, but what should I do now? I was watching your video of how to add a bootstrap theme to rails, but it's an old video and I'm not sure if it apply this version of rails.
You should manage all your assets with webpacker.
For bootstrap, you should use the bootsrap npm lib bootstrap-sass
by running the command
yarn add bootstrap-sass
Then you should import it in your main application.js file (your webpacker 'pack')
For bootstrap javascript modules :
/* Bootstrap modules */
import "bootstrap-sass/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/dropdown";
import "bootstrap-sass/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/modal";
import "bootstrap-sass/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/tooltip";
import "bootstrap-sass/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/popover";
For your stylesheets you can import the main stylesheet file in this application.js file :
/* Import stylesheets */
import "../stylesheets/style";
And your main style.scss file should import bootstrap from this lib.
// Twitter Boostrap
@import "~bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
You can then import all your theme stylesheets below.
Hey Jorge, did you have any joy with this? I have been struggling to get my theme to work.
Just watched this tutorial and it was super helpful -
Before that, I struggled with it for awhile as well. I figured it out with a free template from Creative Tim and opened sourced it. I also wrote up a blog post diving into the codebase here: