How do I check if runner.interest is not null in this interpolation?
i am working on this interpolation where the runners has interests but lets say the runner has not interests , or has not entered any interests how would we interpolate this
Your runner is called #{@runner.first_name.capitalize}. #{@runner.first_name.capitalize}’s first run to you will be on #{format_date(@pairing.first_visit_date)} at #{@pairing.usual_visit_time}. #{@runner.first_name.capitalize} #{@runner.first_name.capitalize} likes #{@runner.interests.squish}
is something like if @runner.interests.squish.nil? = "no interests"
Hey Neil,
Any reason you can't just do a if ?
if @runner.interests.squish.nil?
"#{@runner.first_name.capitalize} has no interests"
"Your runner is called #{@runner.first_name.capitalize}. #{@runner.first_name.capitalize}’s first run to you will be on #{format_date(@pairing.first_visit_date)} at #{@pairing.usual_visit_time}. #{@runner.first_name.capitalize} #{@runner.first_name.capitalize} likes #{@runner.interests.squish}"
It can also be refactored as well , so it uses less code
by using the if/else statement in the interpolation
. #{@runner.first_name.capitalize} likes #{@runner.interests.present? ? @runner.interests.squish : 'running and voluntering'}
Yep, you're correct! That is called the ternary operator
Just be aware that short code is not an absolute goal - clarity is always better than brevity - and in this case I'd argue that the ternary method isn't clear enough since it can be hard to see the ? and : in the operator, so for the sake of my fellow programmers that come after me (and myself a few months down the road), I'd go with the long form.