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Environment setup: iTerm, dotfiles etc


Hi Chris
Would you be willing to share your dotfiles?
Your terminal seems so clean. Why iTerm?
Do you have git information integrated into the prompt?

What do you think of YADR?


My dotfiles are over at

I've been meaning to build some install scripts for it, but just haven't had the time. I'm using iTerm2 because it adds a lot of benefits over the default Terminal on OSX. It's super configurable with splitting windows and other useful features.

My theme you see in iTerm is a mixture of the excid3 zsh theme inside my dotfiles and the iTerm colors file. The iTerm colors will set them to be monokai colors in the terminal and then the zsh prompt sets up the descriptive prompt. I wanted it to be more like a sentence description rather than a jumble of various details like most prompts are. I'm pretty happy with it so far.

YADR is awesome and I like that it even contains vim plugins. I'm using Janus for my Vim configuration so at some point I'll give YADR a try and see how it goes. I've been pretty happy with Janus + zsh though so I'm not in a huge hurry to switch. ;)

Seems it's about time I revisit iTerm.
Why do so many pros use Zsh?
bash ---version cannot be enough reason :)

I really like ZSH because of all the cool shortcuts you get if you set up various plugins. There are ones for bundler that alias be to bundle exec for you along with a bunch of other common ones. Take a look at this for the plugins you can get with oh-my-zsh which is a common zsh distribution.

I'm with you on using iTerm2. It's pretty, and has better functionality than the standard OSX terminal. ZSH is good, but I'm still a Bash guy myself. Old habits and all.

Speaking of Bash! Everyone should update their Bash versions just to be safe. Tons of information here:

echo $PS1 ??

I like your command prompt. Thanks

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