Chat Using Action Cable part 3 - Chatroom and ChatroomUsers Association
I've been playing around and trying to implement a chat such as slack as shown on Chris's screencast. On Chatroom index I'm able to Show, Edit, Join, and Leave. However, when I clicked on Show even though it redirects me to the right chatroom I'm not able to send messages in real time because I haven't clicked on "joined" prior to entering the chatroom as a member. Is there a way to join the room while I'm already on the chatroom.
*** <td><%= link_to "Join", chatroom_chatroom_users_path(@chatroom), method: :post %></td>***
<strong>Welcome to my chatroom:</strong>
<%= %>
<div data-behavior='messages' data-chatroom-id='<%= %>'>
<% @messages.each do |message| %>
<%= render message %>
<% end %>
<%= form_for [@chatroom,] do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :body, rows: 1, class: "form-control", autofocus: true %>
<% end %>
I've added *** <%= link_to "Join", chatroom_chatroom_users_path(@chatroom), method: :post %>*** on chatroom's show page to join. pic: ![] !
but it crashes giving me this error:![]