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Can a Rails app be converted into a Progressive Web App?


I was looking for a way to create a mobile client for my Rails App / API.

I came upon PWAs but I couldn't find any info on how to use it for Rails.

Is it possible?

I know can turn your rails app directly into a native mobile app on android and ios. I don't know if it works for APIs. Also, I haven't yet done it myself, but there's a cool feature on the homepage. Just type in your rails app url and it automatically shows you what it would look like as a mobile app. Costs about $600 I think to do the conversion.

I'm going through this tutorial to add service workers to Rails. But it's incomplete. I hope Chris can make a better tutorial:

It uses Webpush and service-worker-rails

+1 for an episode on service worker with rails ;-)

progressive app development is not easy to learn and to teach too. the page you can find tone of useful info

+1 For an episode on Service Workers, I was using serviceworker-rails but Rails 6 implementing webpack by default broke it, and I have no idea now.

This is a great talk from RailsConf last year on the subject. And here's the PWA demo app he uses as an example.

I've built a couple of modest PWAs with Rails using these concepts.

Yes, a Rails app can be converted into a Progressive Web App (PWA). PWAs are web apps that are designed to be fast, reliable, and engaging. They are built using modern web technologies and can be deployed to any web. If you facing difficulty with a web app follow these instructions.

Yes, a Rails app can be converted to a Progressive Web App (PWA). PWAs are web applications designed to be fast, reliable, and attractive. And if you Are facing More Problem So Don't Worry About it Visit Now web-development-services Our Website For More Details:

Would love a tutorial from Chris if this is possible for Rails :D

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