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As a beginner I don't have any idea about ruby. Can anyone tell me how to get start in ruby by gorail course from A-Z

GoRails seems to me more like a more intermediate to pro level (and there it's just awesome). GoRails is not really a walk-through and I don't know how easy it is to learn the basics with GoRails. I started to learn with a course on Udemy. The one I've done was I don't know how it compares to other ones, but it certainly helped me in getting up to speed. Today I'm capable of developing RoR applications and constantly consult GoRails for specific topics (e.g. 'how to I implement XYZ').

Hi All,
After some help, I am following the great beginner videos by Chris Oliver and am on Video 5, Route and route type. I have followed what Chris did in the video yet when I refresh my local host I get a Routing Error, No route matches [GET] "/about". I have gone back over the video and its exactly how Chris advised. Any help would be appreciated. Am I able to upload a screenshot on here? Regards Ben

Thanks guys

It will help me

tried to pass the udemy course but I wasnt motivated and i gave up. Last week I found a teacher on preply and Im hoping I will learn Ruby :)

Hi, I'm a newbie. Happy to discuss more.

Very intresting sites, thx

Best to stick with the one that is working now. I made the switch and it took awhile to clean out the system. Caused a few headaches.

Thanks guys

Udemy courses are good. Also, try to check some videos on Youtube to better understand what it is and whether it will definitely be of interest to you.

I didn't watch in any particular order, I just watched them as they came and went back to old episodes that looked like they had some interesting content I should know about.

How to join the course? I need your help because I want to learn about it

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