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ActionText and Globalize error


I have application which is using globalize gem and i planning to start using ActionText. So, for example i have model called Business

class Business < ApplicationRecord
  translates :name, :description

  has_rich_text :description

and i created an record in database. But on attempt to edit i see following error

undefined method `body' for "<div><strong>jfgjwhgewr</strong></div>":String

for my form

    - I18n.available_locales.each do |locale|
      = f.input :"name_#{locale.to_s}", label: "Name (#{locale.to_s})"
    - I18n.available_locales.each do |locale|
      = f.label "Description (#{locale.to_s})"
      = f.rich_text_area :"description_#{locale.to_s}"

Whats wrong with it and how can i solve this issue?

PS: I found but this solution looks little bit strange :(

Not yet :( I paused this task and started working on another issue. Will back with (i hope) a solution soon

I have this issue too. But i dont use globalize. Its actiontext error and i am not found any solution

suppose you use globalize gem and did the migration according to globalize docs ->

class CreateTranslation < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def up
    Business.create_translation_table!({name: :string,  description: text}, { migrate_data: true })

  def down
    Business.drop_translation_table! migrate_data: true

remove from model:

has_rich_text :description

and try to use the following in the view:

<%= rich_text_area_tag "business[name]", %>
<%= rich_text_area_tag "business[description]",  f.object.description %>

Encountering this same issue with action text

I am seeing this error, too. I am trying to use a form object. This only occurs when the form object fails to save and the form must be redrawn. I am guessing it has to do with new_record?

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