Iam desperately trying to deploy my App with Capistrano but it isnt working
thank you :) i solved it by changing the yui requirement for sass !
Sebastian replied • Solvedthank you :) i solved it by changing the yui requirement for sass !
Sebastian replied • SolvedHi there! Any idea why uploading works in development locally, but not on ngrok or in production? I get this: application-f91eb14d1a71eb1bded7bacba5a2c9f6e50d1ef47606669468a65584ed3f021d.js:18352 U...
Gabriel Ursache repliedHi Chris, regarding Yarn. Do we have to use Yarn in Rails 6 or can we use NPM and the package.json file? Is there an advantage to using Yarn vs NPM? Thanks!
Tony Dehnke repliedI just upgraded an enterprise Rails 6 sprockets 3 app to rails 7, that used webpacker 4 built css and renders react components occasionally. It's about 8 years old so it was the craziest upgrade. I...
Aaron repliedI am trying to deploy this app to heroku. i get this error with the precompiling asset pipeline. I tried removing jquery from my Gem file but the error persists. log: ... remote: Installing...
Hassanelashram postedCool. I'll try it this afternoon. Thanks so much again.
Melanie replied • SolvedOh man! Why didn't I think about that? I was suffering with this problem a long time. Every time I need to change a letter in one of the SCSS specific to my app, Sprockets recompiles Foundation and...
Lucas Repolês repliedHey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana repliedfound out the change in Tailwind that prevented the expected behavior.
Stéphane Paquet replied • SolvedFinally figured it out. The connection was there, just `rails db:setup` was failing, but `rails db:schema:load` did work. Thanks again for all your help and quick responses
Alex Deering repliedI am trying to implement this on a rails 7 project (using jsbundling-rails for my javascript). When I manually setup the data in the console and invoke autoComplete on the form - it works. However ...
Thomas Keller repliedplease update this video series so people know it's not the way to go and they don't spend time on it.
don mclamb repliednice Introduction Cris, it looks like this is going to be a great feature for future rails applications comes
joelGarcia93 repliedThe application.html.erb change didn't post in my original question - here it is body class="prose prose-p-0 prose-max-w-none mx-auto"
Mike Cannon repliedYou have solved this problem?
Nikola Okonesh repliedTurbolinks has been giving me a world of trouble and there is a lot of randomness with it depending on where I put it in the application.js file. Right now I have this: ``` //= require jquery3 //...
Alex Deering postedI manged to solve the image problem all i had to do was add .first to the end of @output['products'[0]['images'].first like so
kaine Wright repliedJust the answer I was looking for!
Taylor Cooney repliedHi Chris. This is an old episode and an old discussion. But it's still relevant, I watched it and used it in my Rails 7 project. But what I want to add to the Set Schedule dialog are the 'until' a...
Margarita Barvinok repliedI'm Brazilian, sorry by my inglish... I'm using bitbucket. In my case capistrano run all commands ok, but in server no created any file its all empty in folder suppose deploy my project.
Paulo Sousa replied