Dang. Well, one good practice is to always disable password authentication with SSH.
I'll probably add this step into the tutorial tomorrow because that's no fun at all.
Hmm, looks like it's similar issue. One last suggestion from my server that I have running apache instead of Nginx (but still uses Passenger) is to use this for passenger_ruby:
passenger_ruby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.1.2/ruby
It's possible the wrapper helps it load the proper version. This is one of the problems with rvm in the sense that it integrates almost too much with your environment causing it to be a headache to set up at times.
My bad. I misread. You're using rvm so that wouldn't help anyways. Try:
passenger_ruby /usr/local/bin/passenger_ruby;
Try changing it to passenger_ruby /home/deploy/.rbenv/shims/ruby;
and restarting nginx to see what happens. I think pointing directly to that version of Ruby should work, but I've also always just pointed it to the shim.
Double check that you set your nginx passenger_ruby
to point to RVM or Rbenv properly and that you set the global ruby version to 2.1.2.
Ouch! Did you have a short password?
You want to run sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
instead (not the /opt one).
You can see the file as your deploy user but you can't actually save changes. That's why you need sudo
so that you can save your changes.
I think because that's not a command you run in your terminal but you need to add that to the file named Gemfile instead.
Thanks Rodrigo! Definitely a cleaner implementation because this way you're only adding fields.
This is going to setup a separate VM for each mainly for the purpose that everyone working on the project starts with a clean machine. If you don't run into any problems with your setup, you don't really need this. The trouble comes in when you need to share your machine setup with say 50 other developers. Then you need something like this so everyone can spin up a development environment without any trouble.
Check out ;-)
I was hoping people would find those useful! :)
The ruby racer can be a replacement for Node.js but Node doesn't require you to add a gem to your app. The reason you need one of these is so that you can compile Coffeescript to Javascript (and then combine and minify it in the asset pipeline when you deploy). Node is a Javascript runtime that isn't in the browser and therubyracer gem provides one as well.
Posted in The Params Hash Discussion
Thanks Dana! :) I definitely have some more videos like this in mind. Glad you liked it!
Is it actually causing you problems? I know the "stdin: is not a tty" seems to be more of a warning than an actual problem according to this
I haven't run this on Windows yet however, so keep me posted if things don't work after finishing the tutorial. This is a very long thread but someone mentions the error and you might find a solution in here:
Posted in Environment Variables Discussion
Figaro and the new Rails 4.1 secrets.yml are ways to manage these. This episode is intented to explain what they are so when you run into things like Figaro and secrets.yml you have a better idea of what you're looking at.
Heroku has a config command that lets you view and set environment variables. More info here:
Glad I could help! :)
Does sudo apt-get update
work? It's saying something is wrong with that.
Take a look at this:
What did you set for your repo_url?