Chris Oliver


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Posted in Pretty urls with FriendlyID Discussion

So on GoRails, I do this inside my episodes/show.html.erb:

wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("<%= @episode.video_identifier %>")

Posted in Using Pundit to build in a cool gmail-feature

Yeah if you need multiple levels of access more than global and individual then you will need another tier. You can put the access level on the items and the users or you can put them in a join table.

Posted in Using Pundit to build in a cool gmail-feature

You want a has_one :company, through: :product on the Option to make that work. belongs_to is only used when you have an _id column on the model.

If you're scoping activity to things which a user owns, you'll need to store the user_id on the records anyways otherwise how can you know who created it? Because of that, it seems that identities overcomplicate things a bit and you'll end up with an unclear mess of things (and likely open yourself up for a lot of security holes). If you simply add a user_id on everything, you can know if the current user can manage that item or not. If you add a role to the User model, you can give them higher levels of access that can skip the lower user_id checks to allow them company level access instead.

Posted in Bundle issues

Ha! That will do it. :)

Posted in Pretty urls with FriendlyID Discussion

I'd suggest using a string column for those since they aren't simple integers.

Posted in Pretty urls with FriendlyID Discussion

Your database will be the one handling those writes and generating the IDs. In most cases like that, you don't need to worry about that but consistency can become a problem when your set up gets a lot larger.

Posted in Sending emails with Mandrill Discussion

Basically, you need to run a mail server somewhere in either case. Mandrill serves as that whether you just use it for SMTP or you hit their API instead to send the emails without using SMTP.

Posted in Setup MacOS 10.9 Mavericks Discussion

Your problem is:

/usr/local/include is not writable.

I think that should be owned by your user. Mine is

drwxr-xr-x  232 chris  admin   7888 Sep 26 14:24 include

I imagine fixing permissions and reinstalling mysql will do the trick.

Posted in Setup Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion

Ah yep! Pretty much anytime someone (like myself) mentions a file without giving a full path, they mean inside your Rails app's directory like that.

Yep! I think you can even have it automatically parse the XML if you have the multi_xml gem installed.

Posted in Likes routing error

Haha! Glad it's working for you. I think you're right about the join table not needing a primary key, but I think when you do that in Rails, it assumes you don't create a model for it. Since we're interacting with that join table a bit differently than normal, it seems like it probably is a good case to have it. In general, a ID column doesn't really add any noticeable overhead to your database, so you don't have to worry about that in the future.

Posted in Likes routing error

Another possibility is you might try generating the model named singularly instead as "Favorite" instead of "Favorites". That is also something that Rails often wants a certain way and deviating can cause it to do some unexpected things once in a while.

Posted in Likes routing error

Always happy to help! :) Plus, weekends are when I record screencasts anyways.

When you use a route module, it just means to put the controller in a folder of that name. If you say module: :locations then it will look in app/controllers/locations for the favorites_controller.rb file. It doesn't affect your models at all.

The thing here I noticed is that you have create_table without an ID column. That could be affecting the query. It shouldn't matter, but Rails usually wants a primary key to look up the records quickly. Try generating the table again with the ID column and see what happens.

Posted in Likes routing error

That looks correct to me. You may want to run this in your Rails console to verify it is working outside of your action. I can't think of what would cause it to generate the WHERE without a column name there, but it has to be something revolving around your database, associations, or query.

Another thing, have you verified that @location.favorites works correctly? When you hit the create, it makes the record correctly including the user_id?

Posted in Likes routing error

Hmm, it looks like you've somehow got a bad query. When it says WHERE "favorites"."" there should be something inside those last two empty quotes.

What does your action looks like?

Posted in Sending emails with Mandrill Discussion

Check out the handful of episodes just before this one to get the bigger picture.

Posted in Environment setup: iTerm, dotfiles etc

Speaking of Bash! Everyone should update their Bash versions just to be safe. Tons of information here:

Posted in Forum Series Part 1: Architecture Discussion

Absolutely! I'd set it up the way you mentioned where categories are higher level than forum threads. Then you could have categories#index as the root of the application and list out those, then forum threads inside. That's basically how operates.

Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion

Thanks! :)

Posted in Debugging With BetterErrors Discussion

I think it has something to do with the compiler on that version of OSX and/or Ruby. I just found a post on Stack Overflow that might be of help. Here are a bunch of suggestions on how to fix it: