You might be able to add an association to the task like has_one :project, through: :domain
to remove the domain out of it, but it's not going to make much difference. Shortening this only really moves this code somewhere else.
I'm not entirely sure I'm following. What's the domain object for? And the problem you're having is trouble rendering the task's project name? Does something like <%= %>
How are you associating the tasks to the project and what code do you use to switch them between projects?
In this case, the information is just saved to the database so you could do what you want with it.
Posted in How do i track a course progress?
So we use public_activity
to track the views and completions of each step. You can complete a step a few times, so to calculate the progress, you count the number of unique steps completed by the user and the total number of published steps in the course and divide those. That's really all there is to it! The public_activity
gem makes creating the activity records pretty easy so than all you'll have to do is grab a count after that.
The Facade Pattern is a pretty simple one. In Rails the guideline is usually to only have like one instance variable that your controller sets. Reality is that often times you need several variables to render the page, so they create a little Ruby object that's nothing special like their example of Dashboard
. It just has a few methods so you interact with the Dashboard
instead of several different instance variables in the view.
This pattern doesn't really improve your code all that much. It more hides the complexity behind a facade (hence the name) but it significantly improves the controller code.
You can simply create an app/facades
folder for this and as long as the directory loads (you may need to add it to the Rails config, can't remember), then all you'll have to do is create some basic Ruby classes that load the correct records and you're all set.
Posted in let users edit their own posts
You beat me to it! Pundit's exactly the right thing for this.
Maybe, maybe not. It's definitely new but it's not much more than some basic scaffold generators right now. Nothing too special. I wouldn't use it on a client project yet, but I'd absolutely use it on personal projects.
Just Github or if you decide to release the gem publicly you can put it up in ruby gems so that you can use it like any other gem.
You could basically store a hashed password on the album and then prompt for the password. When they type in the password, run it through the same hashing algorithm (check out bcrypt) and if the hashes match, you can set a cookie letting the user view the page. This is basically how email/password logins work.
Posted in Announcing GoRails Discussion
Fixed! Accidentally had the old video URL under http instead of https.
The second argument there needs to be hash I'm pretty sure. You're passing in a string, so that's probably going to mismatch the arguments it expects. Try changing that to hash and that should fix it for you!
That's a really great question. So it would obviously be fantastic if they created private gems that were only accessible to purchasing customers. That would be the easiest solution. Since it seems like you don't have that, you can do a couple things:
You can just drop the theme files into the vendor/assets folder and use them in your app just like if you were to do this with Bootstrap without a gem.
You could create a gem like I did in that video and host it in a private Git repo and reference the git repo in your Gemfile.
Personally I'd say #1 is probably the easiest if they're not providing a gem because you can easily update things. The benefit of having a gem is that you can use it in multiple applications and keep them all in sync a lot easier that way. Really up to you whichever fits you best.
Spree is one approach if you want to use something premade.
As far as keeping inventory of things like shirts, you can probably do two separate things:
- You keep track of new additions to our inventory, maybe call them new stock or something. Record the amount of tshirts added each time you get more inventory added in stock.
- Keep track of the orders and the quantity of shirts leaving each time.
The total "in stock" inventory will simply be summing up all the times you added new stock and subtracting the sum of all the quantity ordered. You can cache a copy of the current value in stock and update each time you add inventory or have new orders.
You can then get a history of the inventory over time in your store and what's leaving. This will be helpful for seeing and predicting how much inventory it makes sense to keep on hand and can be useful for other things as well.
Nope, but might want to check to see if you've got JS errors or conflicts with Turbolinks.
This probably depends on a lot of things. Are you getting in shipments of new items? Are the products being consumed? (sometimes this might not be the case if you're talking like inventory of trucks for example)
More details on what you're shooting for would be helpful but I'm sure we can come up with a fairly straightforward solution to it.
Posted in Checking if Forum_Thread is updating?
Well, the params in the routes are used to lookup the ID column in the tables. You're using the same params id to look up two different records which doesn't quite make sense there. I would not set the forum_post in that before_action so that you don't run into weirdness.
Posted in Checking if Forum_Thread is updating?
So one thing here is your set_forum_thread method is trying to do something that doesn't quite make sense. Your URL has an ID in it and that represents one single record, but you're using it to find two records. Really you want this to
Assuming you're using nested routes, you will have a URL like this: /forum_threads/:forum_thread_id/forum_posts/:id
and you want to make sure you use the correct one of those params for looking up the different tables.
def set_forum_thread
@forum_thread = ForumThread.find(params[:forum_thread_id])
It sounds like your
isn't working. Your forum_post must not have had it's user_id set in the database. It looks like your controller is setting it properly, but you should check it out in the console to make sure it's actually saving it.
Sounds like your JS isn't sending over a token through to the server.