Francisco Quinones
Posted in Use .ENV instead of Secrets.yml for keys
Hi Chris I'm upgrading an old app starting on 5.2. For some reason secrets file is not reading the .env variables so I had to hardcode it for development. But what about production as we are using Heroku and we use env for it. the <%= ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"] %>
is not getting read by shrine. Thank you.
Hi, Emma you need to first check that the script is running and that turbolinks is not blocking the recurring event. I use google chrome and the dev terminal to see if its running, there's different ways to check.
Quick question before starting this process. How can you approach this for multi tenant app with apartment gem? Has you use different DBs for the tables. Thank in advance.
Wow a lot to process nice. Will keep a eye on this as I like to move to more frontend stuff. Thank you Chris
Great ep. Chris
@malav I haven't at the moment we are upgrading to rails 5 so until we finish no migration. :)
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
Thank you Jacob the change
fix the issue
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
but that wont let me use the wildcard subdomains
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
my problem is the ISP.
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
I made a test and use my phone hotspot and I can use the lvh.me with no problem.
So ill will follow your comments and let you know what happen
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
No is in the same computer.
Posted in Allow lvh.me with my ISP router
Hi, so I got a new ISP and when I try to use the lvh.me I get lvh.me’s server DNS address could not be found. I have no Idea what to setup in the ISP router to let the lvh.me use the correct IP
If any one knows how to allow access to the localhost IP with the lvh.me
Thank you.
Posted in Issues with paperclip gem on Windows 8
Is very hard to use win with rails. You better move to linux or OS so you dont get so much headache.
Hi so Im upgrading my rails 4 app to rails 5.
I have a link with foo _path(params.merge(format: "pdf")) Im getting the non-sanitized error.
Im looking for the correct way of permiting the this params.
Thank you.
Posted in Form ajax upload to s3
Hi!, So I have a form that was using ajax to post the data to the server, then I add it a img file and the process was taking to long so now I want to do direct upload to s3.
I setup the :
- aws
- cors
- form
- ajax
- presigned_post
Im getting this error Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'. I think that my persigned data its not passing correct on the ajax.