Dan Charlesworth


480 Experience
4 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in installed RoR, now what?

Hi Rino — speaking for myself, I started on a different website: https://www.railstutorial.org. If you're brand new to MVC development and Rails, it's a pretty wholistic A-Z tutorial including text editing, version control and hosting.

I gravitate to the more advanced tutorials on GoRails, but it looks like there's solid basics in a few series here as well.

How to Build a Forum: https://gorails.com/series/how-to-build-a-forum
Rails for Beginners: https://gorails.com/series/rails-for-beginners

Posted in Accounts middleware and integration tests?

Hi folks —

I'm a big fan of the Accounts Middleware pattern introduced about a year ago in this tutorial:

Super powerful. Applicable to just about any B2B app. I'm keen to use it in something customer-facing.

I'm currently hung up on the fact that integration tests all break with the accounts middleware in place. To quote a commenter on the episode thread:

All controllers actions fail because env["REQUEST_PATH"] is nil

I watched the follow-up about testing the middleware with system tests, but I'm not quite sophisticated enough to figure how to apply the lessons there to integration tests.

Does anyone have any ideas?

This is definitely an alternative to something like Bootstrap. They're both full CSS frameworks albeit with different philosophies.

Yeah, I'm wondering about this too.

Obviously there's a follow up episode which explains how to incorporate the middleware into System Tests, but there's presumably also a way have Integration Tests while using the account middleware.