Ann Cascarano
Posted in The Behaviors Of Super Discussion
Way to help us supercharge our troubleshooting skills. :D Great episode!
Posted in Editing Passwords Discussion
Hey Chris! Enjoyed the video!
Any issue with using:
@password = Password.new(password_params)
if @password.save
current_user.passwords << @password
redirect_to @password
In the create action instead of how you tackled it in the lesson?
Posted in Law of Demeter and Delegation Discussion
Another interesting episode, Collin! I appreciate the chill vibes. :)
Posted in Understand Scope Returns Discussion
Very interesting episode, Collin! TIL you could get the path to the source of a method right from the console ✨
Posted in A Look Into Routing Discussion
Came here to say this. :) 🐱
Posted in Loops & Blocks in Ruby Discussion
Interesting! And awesome, looking forward to it. :)
Posted in Loops & Blocks in Ruby Discussion
Hey Collin! Can you give us some examples where you might want to reach for a Proc or a stabby lambda instead of a regular method / function?
Posted in Arrays in Ruby Discussion
That underscore tip is really handy!
Same here - thank you!