Chris Oliver


292,760 Experience
93 Lessons Completed
296 Questions Solved


Hey Bigyan,

Check out this article on Heroku with the Rails asset pipeline:

The assets are designed to compile on the fly in development, but for production they get compiled and minified during deploy. Heroku also needs your Rails app to serve static assets, which is not the default for production. Normally, NGINX would do this but Heroku works a bit differently.

Oh neat, so you can have a button_to that submits a specific form?

I had always used it to have it submit a POST to a URL instead. Today I learned. 👍🧐

Posted in Upgrade to Mojave on Mac OS

Yeah, I do use Capybara. I tend to stick with the Rails official testing tools, and their system tests are run with Capybara.

Posted in Upgrade to Mojave on Mac OS

It looks like there's a solution for that now at least:

Let me know if that works for ya!

Posted in Upgrade to Mojave on Mac OS

Hey Pam!

I think a few things will break, but you should be fine. I don't have an upgrade guide specifically, but the steps are about the same:

  1. Upgrade your OS
  2. Upgrade & Install the latest XCode: xcode-select --install 2.5. You may also need to install XCode's Command Line Tools
  3. Upgrade your Homebrew install
  4. If you get an ld: library not found for -lstdc++ error installing gems, you can run: sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /

I think that should be it.

Posted in Where do this code go? (Refactoring Rails Workers)

Ah yes, sorry! :)

I would pull the logic out into its own class. You can either make it a base class for the job, or you can make it a dedicated class.

This example is the inheritance approach:

class BaseWorker
  def do_this_action(website)

class WebsiteWorker < BaseWorker

  def perform(website)

Or if you wanted a dedicated class:

class DoThisProcessor
  def perform(website)

class WebsiteWorker
  def perform(website)

They're both very simple so you won't have too many tradeoffs either way you go in this case.

Posted in Where do this code go? (Refactoring Rails Workers)

Is it running the job twice? There's nothing here that would duplicate the calling of do_this_action that I can see.

Posted in Improve on these ActiveRecord requests?

Yeah, just adding a column like visits_last_30_days:integer and having it update every hour or night. You'd just query the impressions, sum up the total and save it to that column each time.

If you had a few common options you could cache multiple values so those common ones were super fast. Then fallback to doing the JOIN query for custom ranges which will be a little slower.

You should be able to query the Product table and join the impressions and use that for sorting. Here's an example of doing that:

Skipping the cache will help you keep things simpler, since you'll always need the fallback join query.

Posted in Improve on these ActiveRecord requests?

You might try adding your own caches to the Product table. You could have a nightly or hourly cron update the cache so it isn't constantly being changed, but still getting regular updates.

I would recommend Rails's ActiveStorage. I've done some episodes on it which you can checkout, but it's the official Rails file uploading library and definitely the easiest.

You'll still need to have imagemagick installed. They all use this for the actual cropping and resizing of images.

Carrierwave works too, but it requires some other setup like creating Uploaders so you can define how a file gets processed.

ActiveStorage works a bit different where you define how the file gets resized when you use it in your view. Carrierwave does this as soon as the file is uploaded instead. Both have some advantages but ActiveStorage should definitely be easier.

Posted in How do I create my homepage subdomain ('www')

You can pass subdomain: nil into your url helpers to change the subdomain. Something like link_to home_url(subdomain: nil)

Posted in Rails Application Templates Discussion

Hey Mark, I just fixed that. Just need to modify the navbar link to use "#" instead of root_path.

Dropdown is fixed now. Just change the root_path in the link_to for the dropdown navbar.html.erb to "#".

All the navigation is in app/views/shared/navbar.html.erb 👍

Posted in How do I create my homepage subdomain ('www')

Hey Damian!

It's usually easiest to set that up in your routes file. You can setup a subdomain constraint so that when the subdomain is www or nil, you can render the homepage. Otherwise when there's a subdomain, you can send it to the account controller.

You can put this in app/lib/account_subdomain.rb

class AccountSubdomain
    def self.matches? request
          # www and no subdomain are excluded and don't count as account subdomains
            # You can add any more subdomains to this array to have them ignored.
          !["www", nil].include? request.subdomain

Then your config/routes.rb file can use this to set the constraints:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
    # Account routes
    constraints(AccountSubdomain) do
            root to: "account#index"

        root to: "home#index"

It's your standard bootstrap dropdown, so double check and make sure there are no JS errors in the browser console.

I'm not at the computer right now, but I can take a look tomorrow hopefully.

Great! Let us know how it goes. I'm online a bit more during the week (and after the holidays) so sorry for the late replies.

My personal advice is generally to build it from scratch so you can understand how it works in-depth. And if you realize it'll be too much work, then using the apartment gem can help save you some time.

Hey Damian,

Like the error says, looks like you'll need to run "rails webpacker:install"

/home/meaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.1/gems/webpacker-3.5.5/lib/webpacker/configuration.rb:79:in `rescue in load': Webpacker configuration file not found /home/meaw/work/weepx/two/weepx/config/webpacker.yml. Please run rails webpacker:install Error: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/meaw/work/weepx/two/weepx/config/webpacker.yml (RuntimeError)

Jumpstart does that for you automatically, so you shouldn't have to, but maybe something failed when you created it originally.

Sounds like something is killing the web process. What happens if you just run rails s instead of foreman?