I may have accidentally missed a little bit of that as I was trying to prepare for the episode. 😬
Great idea!
You can usually just call the sanitize
method and that'll do what you need.
Yep! Push notifications would be an API call (similar to Slack, Twilio, and Vonage are). 👍
Well, notifications are a complicated subject. Basic ones like sending an email are easy, but this is a full-featured notification system like you'd see on Facebook or Twitter. I'll talk more about it and show a very basic use case of Noticed soon.
Posted in Thousand separator and Number formating
Also for the frontend, I usually build my own helpers to generate the two fields for me. Saves a lot of time and I can just make a small change to each field with a find & replace to call the new helper instead of having to edit each one.
This would make a great screencast talking about the tradeoffs of both approaches.
Posted in Thousand separator and Number formating
You can definitely strip out the commas or periods when the user submits the data if you want by overriding the setter methods. That would let any value be submitted and cleaned up before storing it in the model.
def population=(value)
super(value.gsub(/[.,]/, '')
Something like that should do the trick.
Since it's just formatting, it's usually best if that just happens on the client side. That becomes even more useful in other languages that might use a period as thousands separators instead of commas. They can change their locale and the backend data would not have to change for that. Plus, the backend doesn't have to worry about modifying the formatting, just validating it.
Either way will probably work fine though.
Posted in Thousand separator and Number formating
Fake form fields can accomplish what you want.
You can use formatting in the visible form field, but convert to the number in a hidden field. The visible field is not given a name
field which means the browser does not submit them to the server.
The hidden field will be what's submitted to the server. You'll use some Javascript to make sure the field continues formatting as the user changes the value.
This is how date selectors that use a Javascript calendar popup work a lot of times. Same for credit card fields. 👍
Make sense?
Posted in Thousand separator and Number formating
Rails has several helpers for numbers.
number_with_delimiter(population) # outputs 422,334
All part of the NumberHelper:
Numbers should always be saved without formatting in the database and then you'll use a helper like the above to format it.
Hey Marlon!
We're using the acts_as_tenant gem in for row-level multitenancy. It works pretty well and will automatically set your tenant ID when querying and saving records. You end up building your app like a regular app that way which is nice.
I wouldn't recommend Apartment anymore because it's not row-level tenancy. It's far more common to see row-level being used.
It's not intended to be a full WYSIWYG which is what you're after. I know several people like using Article and Redactor and they're really well made.
Posted in A Look Into Routing Discussion
He loves running around and being noise when I'm trying to record. 😺
Posted in Active-storage creating/uploading folder
I would say, don't think of it as folders on S3 or the file server. Use database records to group and organize them in your app. They don't have to exactly mirror the files on disk.
Posted in Render before action completes
Julian Rubisch put together a gem that makes this easy:
💪 This is awesome Nate! This is a great opportunity if anyone's interested in getting a bit of experience working with a team.
I said that and decided to look at the Pay gem and think I figured it out.
The Rakefile in that gem loads the Rakefile from the dummy app. That makes total sense.
APP_RAKEFILE = File.expand_path("test/dummy/Rakefile", __dir__)
I need to figure out what's up with the Rake tasks, but I've had to go cd test/dummy && rails db:schema:load
to get it to load the db tasks for testing.
I'm pretty sure it's something small that's missing, but I haven't had a chance to look yet. If you figure out what's missing with the Rakefile, send me a PR! 😜
Posted in "NoMethodError: undefined method `deep_symbolize_keys'" when trying to deploy my application
If you read the logs, you'll see it crashed while loading secrets.
/home/deploy/bane/shared/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/railties-5.1.6/lib/rails/secrets.rb:24:in `parse'
So my guess is that you're missing secrets on your server or they're empty or not formatted correctly.
Yeah, we'll do DMs. 👍
They'll be very similar to before. Basically just a chatroom with a direct message flag like we did previously.
And glad it's been so helpful! This is the community I wish I had a long time ago, so that's great to hear!