Search Results for "track-user-s-usage-per-month"
Forum Threads
Structure Guidance - Multi Tenancy Authentication / Authorization
> You can set the session[:company_id] to a default when they login, or allow them to use the site under a "Personal" account without a company. Hi folks, appreciate the commentary, it's extra ...
BKSpurgeon repliedTracking Rails App Usage with Analytics
Yeah, that's correct. It only runs in the browser on a page view. You'll get very basic data with it. Segment is fantastic for us because it allows us to track custom events and not just page view...
Chris Oliver repliedLogin with Facebook Discussion
Why my rails production server reaches to 100% CPU usage and making app to be unresponsive?
How to use Solid Queue in Rails with Active Job Discussion
What's great about the puma plugin is the cost savings when running on something like Heroku. Only one dyno needed for small apps including a Queue. Something that was quite expensive before becaus...
Matthias repliedSetup Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander Discussion
Thank you!Great Job
Prabhjot Singh repliedMy Development Environment Discussion
One thing that really helped me learn vim was vimtutor. If you have vim installed, you should already have it. Just type `vimtutor` in the console
Arthur Cheek repliedSetup MacOS 10.9 Mavericks Discussion
if someone has errors with db:rake not working, here is the solution:
A.S. repliedDeploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
Hey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana repliedRails Braintree couldn't update
What are you using to authenticate your users in this app if you're not using Devise? The error shown is clearly that it's expecting a password, and your validations on your user model also state y...
Jacob Montgomery repliedHow do i track or list online users with rails?
How can i track or list online users in rails?
3DWaffle postedWhat's the best way to track file downloads (stats)?
* I think parsing the S3 bucket logs could work but it may be hard for you to tell who did what if you want to track who did what. * I have done the redirect version of this before for http://feedf...
Chris Oliver repliedApp Stats / Data (i.e. tracking long term app data trends)?
I have a multi-tenant app with various models. I want to start tracking data point for future stats and business intelligence integrations etc. Think of this like Amazon and you wanted to track e...
Dan Tappin postedNeed someone to look over this to make sure i am on the right track...
Cool thanks Chris, you've really helped - more than you know lol. I am sure i will get more questions haha :D
Alan Reid replied • SolvedJumpstart App get's stucked with wrong login data
Hey Chris. Same problem with devise_invitable. When I try to set the password after accepting an invitation (view: users/invitations/edit) and e.g. the password doesn't match, the app gets stucked....
Martin replied • SolvedPundit Scope and has_many through
I think that's because on the index you want an array of records, but on show you just want a single record. When you pass in the array into policy_scope, it's going to call the `.where(company_id...
Chris Oliver repliedFew Big Models or Many Smaller Namspaced models?
... I never really thought about the fact that my controllers don't have to map directly to models :/ That makes perfect sense. I suppose I will do a generic Page controller, then site(yelp, ...
Rich Smith replied • SolvedWorking with ActiveRecord and Google Cloud Firestore
Not sure what the etiquette is for answering or following up one's own question, but I ended up modeling this, because I realized I need some pretty complicated and persistent logic for each docume...
Jordan T-H replied • Solved