Rails for Beginners Part 9: URL Helpers and link_to Discussion
It's there an easy way to mark current page in navigation?
Hi, did you find a way to do this ?
Hi, sadly no. I have to use a gem https://github.com/comfy/active_link_to
Just set up and used https://github.com/comfy/active_link_to, you are awesome.
one trick that helped: setting active: :exclusive
so that my Home page did not stay active when on about (or every other page)
<%= active_link_to "Home", root_path, class: "nav-link", active: :exclusive %>
<%= link_to("Home", root_path, class: "nav-link #{'active' if current_page?(root_path)}") %>
Hey Chris!
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Navbar</a>
<%= link_to "Navbar", root_path, class: "navbar-brand" %>
with those two lines of code there should be 2 active "Navbar" buttons, those lines are interchangeabale. Somehow after you wrote them you have only 1 button active and I have 2. Is it me or you cut one of those?
Oh! I've watched for few seconds more and there is no the first line in the code. That was a bit confusing :')
You can also visit localhost:3000/rails/info/routes if you want to view the route list in the browser.