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Inbound SMS in Rails with Twilio Discussion


Thanks Chris. Ended up using this to programatically send a text message after a user completes an order, and allow that user to ask questions, creating a conversation, where we can respond from the website.

Can you use actioncable for when a response comes in? If so, would you be able to post a simple gist snippet for it?? Thanks

Yes totally, I did it!

Anyone know why ActionCable throttles the memory of my ubuntu 16.04 server. I'm using phusion passenger and nginx. I saw some instructions for setting up actioncable, but I didn't know it would be mandatory. But yes, I would like to see the gist you have for setting up action cable for incoming responses. Thanks.

Hey Chris, when I do a User.find_by(phone: params[:From]), I was hoping that it would use a Phonelib object comparison, but it doesn't, so if my user saved their phone number as 3033033003, it is comparing to a text message coming in (twilio_controller.rb) coming from a number with +1 in front. What is the a clean and performent way to make this query work?

Did anyone else run into this issue?

I know Chris is kind of busy, but I've been trying for two weeks to link ActionCable up to the TwilioController. Has anyone successfully done this?

Where are you Stuck?

Updating the show action when a response is sent back. ActionCable is not rendering the template partial.

A Twilio Programmable Video implemented with Stimulus would be very much appreciated. Thank you Chris for the hard work.

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