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Has anyone started using ruby 2.7?


Recently, I've been wondering what's the adoption of ruby 2.7. Has anyone here migrated a production app to 2.7?
I've done some rudimentary tests on SaaSHub (development), and it's a touch slower in most cases. I am aware that there are some GC improvements. It could be the case that switching to 2.7 improves memory consumption on long running processes (puma, sidekiq, etc). If you have any, what's your experience?

I'm leary about updating the latest version of Ruby so quickly. I did this early last when I was just learning, but I've found out that each version has it's own quirks and it's a lot better to stay slightly behind, unless you've got a really good scenario where the latest and greatest updates really help you. When I looked at the updates to 2.7 vs 2.6.5, it wasn't enough to make me jump on doing a ruby upgrade.

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