Deploy Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin Discussion
It was a permissions issue. Everything was set to nogroup somehow.
It was a permissions issue. Everything was set to nogroup somehow.
Hey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
Thank you, it helped me a lot...
Problem: Recently We have changed IP address of the stage server. We are using Capistrano for deploying rails application. So after changing server IP address when we run a command: cap develop(bra...
I'm Brazilian, sorry by my inglish... I'm using bitbucket. In my case capistrano run all commands ok, but in server no created any file its all empty in folder suppose deploy my project.
Great tutorial. Everything went well, but when I do cap deploy production, I get the error below. Any ideas? Thank you!cap aborted!SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as deploy@...
Hey Yi Mei Wang, I had a similar problem with logs not showing in Production and I simply added the following to config/environment/production.rb: 'config.log_level = :info RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER = L...
I have already solved it. Thanks!
settle for activeadmin with device for Authorization and sorcery for the App .. not ideal but got the job done
Could you post how to migrate for Rails 7 + Esbuild? I tried but I got Failed to mount app: mount target selector "app" returned null.
Newbie question...I have two models a user model and a coupons model that are associated (coupons belong to user). How do I include the export of a parent model (like field) in the CSV a...
Hello Chris, I am only using Puma or Passenger, definitely not both at the same time. When using Puma I start the rails server (i.e rails s -e production) from the application directory and the pag...
Hi Srinivasa, Good, that's a few more things we can check off the troubleshooting list! Have you watched your logs when you upload? I'm almost positive you'll see some sort of error in there tha...
Hm, that's cool, until you need to validate the form and show and handle all these nested validation errors. It requires much more efforts than the Rails nested_attributes.And, as I see, Turbolinks...
Yeah, it's now the default for Rails I believe, so it's a required dependency if you use the defaults. Super easy install with homebrew and everything should be automatically working for you after ...
Jesus, yup all the concepts are still the same for Rails 6. The only change is that Javascript is now primarily written in the app/javascript folder using Webpacker instead of the asset pipeline i...
its possible to use this gem without subdomain. So every tenant will have same domain but inside the logic there is scheme segregation ?
> You can set the session[:company_id] to a default when they login, or allow them to use the site under a "Personal" account without a company. Hi folks, appreciate the commentary, it's extra ...