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Embeddable Javascript Comments Widget Models - Part 1 Discussion

This is perhaps a bit of a newbie question but I wanted to ask your opinion on what are the things I would consider usually when it comes to using the approach you outlined in the video to sanitize a URL vs using the Ruby Standard Library

Are there any big advantages to one way or the other I should keep in mind?


Can you share the template.rb file you use to generate new rails projects?


rails webpacker:install:vue
rails aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'webpacker:install:vue' (See the list of available tasks with rails --tasks)


This was solved by using webpacker 5.2.1 instead of the version in the jumpstart pro template (6.0.0.pre2)


Run first rails webpacker:install and override the previous installation of webpacker, then rails webpacker:install:vue


Any plans to do a version with vanilla JS and/or turbo?

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